Online orders ship on Mondays~ Pre orders are available for half beefs NOW for March 2025 Delivery!

February 2020

Posted by Rachel Linquist on

In certain parts of the Northern Hemisphere, February is usually considered the last month of Winter. Really? Where?? Too bad it's not true for THIS part of the world! We've had snow in MAY before... We're ALL ready for Spring about now! Snow has been on the ground for the better part of the last few months, but at least it's kept the bugs at bay! Hey, there's GOT to be a silver lining somewhere, right? Another positive is that the scenery is BEAUTIFUL this time of year!

February is a very important month for us here at DH Longhorn as we are donating to the Team Jack Foundation this year! If you aren't familiar with Team Jack, here is a link to check it out.

Team Jack Foundation

Our beef will be auctioned off, and all proceeds go towards raising money for pediatric brain cancer research. We are also donating to St. Matthew's School auction in Bellevue this month. We are beyond blessed with these opportunities, and look forward to more special occasions in the future! Thank you to everyone for supporting our small business!

We are going to continue running our 25% off special this month. All our ground beef, tenderized round and stew meat are on sale now, so start shopping now and load up your cart before the end of the month!

Don't forget about our incentive/rewards program: If you buy a Starter Kit, Family Kit, Half or Whole Beef, you will earn a coupon for 10% off of your next purchase of the same. This is good for 3 months for the Starter Kit and 1 year for Family Kits, half and whole beefs. For first time buyers, if you buy a starter kit and then decide to buy a Half or Whole beef, that amount ($175) will be taken off the total of your next bill, and this offer is good for 3 months. We also offer Military discounts, which is 10% off of regular priced items- this discount is NOT combined with other discounts.

I am always adding more videos for the new year, so head on over and check out our Youtube channel, which you can now subscribe to at:

DH Longhorn YouTube

Also, be sure to like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram @dhlonghorn!


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